
Asus Transformer Book Chi T300 review

Hi everyone. This is my review of the much awaited Asus Transformer Book Chi T300, a sleek 2-in-1 detachable that is selling for $699 and up (at the time ...

Asus Transformer Book T300 Chi (Full

2015年4月27日 — The $699 T300 Chi has a slower CPU, but it's still fast enough for typical use and retains all of the other features that make the new ...

Asus Transformer Book T300 Chi Convertible Review

2015年3月23日 — For browsing, word processing, and multimedia, the T300 Chi works wonderfully as it is responsive and more than capable for common everyday ...

Asus Transformer Book T300 Chi review

2015年3月22日 — On paper, the Asus Transformer Book T300 Chi sounds like a great combination of smart design, new components, and a very reasonable price. In ...

Asus Transformer Book T300 Chi review

2015年3月22日 — For $899 (about £601, AU$1,156), the Transformer Book T300 Chi comes rather well equipped with the exception of the paltry 128GB of SSD storage.

ASUS Transformer Book T300 Chi review

2015年5月8日 — The Chi starts at $699 with a 1080p screen, 128GB of storage and four gigs of RAM. From there, the price goes up to $899, bringing us to the ...


Hieveryone.ThisismyreviewofthemuchawaitedAsusTransformerBookChiT300,asleek2-in-1detachablethatissellingfor$699andup(atthetime ...,2015年4月27日—The$699T300ChihasaslowerCPU,butit'sstillfastenoughfortypicaluseandretainsalloftheotherfeaturesthatmakethenew ...,2015年3月23日—Forbrowsing,wordprocessing,andmultimedia,theT300Chiworkswonderfullyasitisresponsiveandmorethancapableforcommoneveryday ...,20...